So not to bum you guys out, or anything, but this was a particularly awful year. We will, however, touch on both the positives and negatives, so you don't get suicidal halfway through this post.
So January came in with no bang. I spent New Years Eve with my bestie, Katie, and skyping Nate as the clock striked 12, and immediately afterward there was a parental argument in the Richardson household. Lame lame lame, you could say. I spent the next couple of weeks at home, working at the hurst and hanging out with Nate and Katie, watching an awful lot of TV, basic break stuff. Then we headed back to school and I began what was to be the worst semester of my life.
But no biggie.
So we started classes and at the beginning of the semester had like a hundred snow days right of the bat. Which was kind of nice. But my roommate and I left each other on rather unhappy terms before winter break, so returning was nerve wracking, to say the least. She had befriended the girl who lived next door to us, and I found her, her roommate, and her suitemate, COMPLETELY intimidating and superior, so while she was a wall away laughing her head off, I was cowering in the confines of my room. I spent a lot of time crying in January.
Then I made an appointment with the counseling center and started going to counseling weekly, so things got a little better. Or, at least bearable for the most part.
February I started my Job at College Bound, and I fell right in love.
So twice I week I was riding into Lynn to tutor these kids, which was a wonderful experience.
Then on Valentines Day weekend, I went to Troy, NY, to visit Nate for the weekend. We spent endless hours watching all three Pirates movies and just hanging out. When he dropped me off at the bus station on Valentines day, shipping me back to school, it was like 65 degrees outside. In february. It was super bizarre. So overall, it was a great weekend.
So March came and brought spring break with it. I guess this month was a bit better than I remember it being. Sarah's friend Steph came to visit and we all took a trip to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate spring break's arrival.
So I went back to the 603 and went snowboarding and watched movies and hung out with Nate and Katie and such, and went on birth control for hormonal therapy {because I self-diagnosed myself with PMDD} and then headed back to school.
And whoever said "in like a lion, out like a lamb" about March was mistaken. It came in like a lion and went out with a snow storm on April fools day. So April was filled with snow, to a point. Nate came to visit and we went traversing about the Wenham woods with Leslie and had a MUCH better visit than we did the last time he came.
The night we picked him up, we stopped at Marty's donuts at like 2am and there was some sort of fight or something next door, so there were cops everywhere, and as they were driving away, one of them stopped beside the car, where Nate and I were seated in the back seat, and started interrogating us.
It. Was. Terrible.
And then Sarah and everyone came out and she was like "Oh hey, whats going on?" and the cop was outta there. But I was nauseous. It was bad.
And then Sarah came to visit for easter break {she was pretty terrified of the anonymous north that was the shire}. On Good Friday we went up to inspiration point {a big hill with a cross on top} and coming down, she fell and scraped her hands. In the exact places of where Jesus' nails would have been.
Aaand of course it snowed the day before easter. So we watched a ton of movies and ate a ton of gluten-free food, because Sarah still had Celiacs disease then.
And then April was what it was.
In May I turned 19!
And apart from a variety of small festivities, my birthday proved pretty lame. But Sarah posted about my birthday in student news, and I was given a bouquet of balloons filled with little messages. It was pretty awesome.
But I went home on my birthday and it was rainy and miserable and completely boring.
Then I started my new job a week later {which I was pretty excited about but ended up being me, alone with my thoughts, for 8 hours a day}.
Oh, the world was supposed to end in May, so I spent the alleged last day of the world's existence at my older brother's graduation from Johnson and Wales.
Nothing particularly wonderful happened in June. I found out that Sarah wasn't going on the Wild Semester and just about everyone I know broke up or had serious relationship issues. I started talking to Austin a lot more about everything going on with him and his girlfriend. I struggled with stuff with Nate in June. And I started going to a counselor in June. That's all I really remember.
July was a hard month. July 7th was when Nate and I broke up after a lot of my own internal struggles. But we don't really need to touch on those right now. Then I spent a couple of weeks after that feeling like I cut off an arm and was trying to figure out how to function without it. Which was terribly hard. A lot more tears, a lot more burying myself in my room. But the breakup itself was pretty clean. We talked and then changed the subject and just talked about random things. Like the fat squirrels in the park. But mostly, July was no fun.
Moving along {and running out of steam}, Sarah came to visit again in August. So we dyed our hair {terrible idea, by the way} and watched movies and went swimming...
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At Newfound Lake. It was lovely. |
... and went to the drive in...
To see Crazy Stupid Love for the second time, and Harry Potter 7.2 |
And Reunited the Whole Gang.
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Left to Right: Chelsea, Liz, Sarah, Me, Leslie. Love my tan line? |
And then I saw Nate for the first time since the break up, which was really okay.
And then I moved back into school! Hurrah!
So began Sophomore year at Gords.
In september, I started this here blog with my first post e'er. And then started blogging semi-regularly. I got my tat!
I got rid of my facebook {thank God. Unfortunately, I'm back there now.} And went apple picking with the Sarahs after fort night {which is the night we made a fort, not like... two weeks.}
And I met Liz's very eclectic family, which was amusing and nightmarish at the same time.
October was quad-break month. I brought the Sarahs home with me for a weekend of pumpkin carving and scary movie watching.

And then I didn't sleep again for like a month. Still can't look in a mirror at night.
And then we barely celebrated Halloween. We did get an unseasonable heat wave, followed by an unseasonable snow. So it went from being 90 degrees to 40, to thirty and a foot of snow.
November had thanksgiving and lots of food and LOTS OF SVU! Hurrah! That's pretty much it, really. What a lame-o month.
Ah, we had finals. We had goodbyes to certain friends. We had christmas! We had crafting. And now, we have New Years Eve. Katie and I are going out tonight! Woohoo!
So there's my year. Sorry about the lengthiness of this post!
Happy New Year!
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