Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Things I'm Grateful For

This is the second post in that series of posts I'm doing. So happy monday all, and since it's thanksgiving time you should all be thinking about the wonderful things you're thankful for.
I was supposed to do this last monday but I was in a pretty terrible mood then and I couldn't bring myself to count my blessings. I know, how terrible, but we're playing catch-up now so I may just do two of these posts tonight.
So, things I'm grateful for.

  1. My education here at Gordon. It's really a blessing and miracle that I'm here in the first place.
  2. My three jobs, all of which are neccessary to my livelihood as I have a spending problem.
  3. My familia, I love them all. 
  4. My mom, so grateful for her. She's talked me off a ledge many many times.
  5. My wonderful friends, all of whom I've gotten to see in the past week. {Well, not all of them, and I did see some that I didn't particularly want to see, but c'est la vie.}
  6. My pastor, who happens to care about me more than I thought, or at least is much more capable of fulfilling his pastorly roles than I thought he was.
  7. BED TIME. I think I thank God for this every night. "Dear God, thank you for this day, for everything you've given me, for this wonderful bed." Errnight.
  8. That I don't really lack anything. Nothing I need, anyway. That's worth being thankful for.
  9. For my God. I don't really thank Him for Him very often and I really should. I should also really thank Him more often for his son and that sacrifice he made. 
  10. For the challenges in my life. You can't grow if you're never challenged, and I think I've grown a lot in the past few years. Gotta love those obstacles.
  11. The support that I get from my family, even when I don't want it and don't ask for it. Sometimes I'm a little self centered I guess {oh gosh, I hope no one's reading this saying "you think?"}
  12. The roommate I've been blessed with. A challenge, yes, but a welcome one. Never could I have asked for a roommate more entertaining, more fun, or better fit to what I need. Definitely don't plan on trading her in. 
The list doesn't end there, but that's all the thought I can put into this list right now. Onto the next.

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