Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lets see that year recap {2011}

Yes, yes. It's the trend. Let's dive into the past 12 months and see what has happened.

So not to bum you guys out, or anything, but this was a particularly awful year. We will, however, touch on both the positives and negatives, so you don't get suicidal halfway through this post.

So January came in with no bang. I spent New Years Eve with my bestie, Katie, and skyping Nate as the clock striked 12, and immediately afterward there was a parental argument in the Richardson household. Lame lame lame, you could say. I spent the next couple of weeks at home, working at the hurst and hanging out with Nate and Katie, watching an awful lot of TV, basic break stuff. Then we headed back to school and I began what was to be the worst semester of my life.

But no biggie.

So we started classes and at the beginning of the semester had like a hundred snow days right of the bat. Which was kind of nice. But my roommate and I left each other on rather unhappy terms before winter break, so returning was nerve wracking, to say the least. She had befriended the girl who lived next door to us, and I found her, her roommate, and her suitemate, COMPLETELY intimidating and superior, so while she was a wall away laughing her head off, I was cowering in the confines of my room. I spent a lot of time crying in January.

Then I made an appointment with the counseling center and started going to counseling weekly, so things got a little better. Or, at least bearable for the most part.

February I started my Job at College Bound, and I fell right in love.

So twice I week I was riding into Lynn to tutor these kids, which was a wonderful experience. 
Then on Valentines Day weekend, I went to Troy, NY, to visit Nate for the weekend. We spent endless hours watching all three Pirates movies and just hanging out. When he dropped me off at the bus station on Valentines day, shipping me back to school, it was like 65 degrees outside. In february. It was super bizarre. So overall, it was a great weekend. 

So March came and brought spring break with it. I guess this month was a bit better than I remember it being. Sarah's friend Steph came to visit and we all took a trip to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate spring break's arrival.

So I went back to the 603 and went snowboarding and watched movies and hung out with Nate and Katie and such, and went on birth control for hormonal therapy {because I self-diagnosed myself with PMDD} and then headed back to school.

And whoever said "in like a lion, out like a lamb" about March was mistaken. It came in like a lion and went out with a snow storm on April fools day. So April was filled with snow, to a point. Nate came to visit and we went traversing about the Wenham woods with Leslie and had a MUCH better visit than we did the last time he came.
The night we picked him up, we stopped at Marty's donuts at like 2am and there was some sort of fight or something next door, so there were cops everywhere, and as they were driving away, one of them stopped beside the car, where Nate and I were seated in the back seat, and started interrogating us.
It. Was. Terrible.
And then Sarah and everyone came out and she was like "Oh hey, whats going on?" and the cop was outta there. But I was nauseous. It was bad.

And then Sarah came to visit for easter break {she was pretty terrified of the anonymous north that was the shire}. On Good Friday we went up to inspiration point {a big hill with a cross on top} and coming down, she fell and scraped her hands. In the exact places of where Jesus' nails would have been.

Aaand of course it snowed the day before easter. So we watched a ton of movies and ate a ton of gluten-free food, because Sarah still had Celiacs disease then.

And then April was what it was.

In May I turned 19!

And apart from a variety of small festivities, my birthday proved pretty lame. But Sarah posted about my birthday in student news, and I was given a bouquet of balloons filled with little messages. It was pretty awesome.
But I went home on my birthday and it was rainy and miserable and completely boring.
Then I started my new job a week later {which I was pretty excited about but ended up being me, alone with my thoughts, for 8 hours a day}.

Oh, the world was supposed to end in May, so I spent the alleged last day of the world's existence at my older brother's graduation from Johnson and Wales.
Nothing particularly wonderful happened in June. I found out that Sarah wasn't going on the Wild Semester and just about everyone I know broke up or had serious relationship issues. I started talking to Austin a lot more about everything going on with him and his girlfriend. I struggled with stuff with Nate in June. And I started going to a counselor in June. That's all I really remember.
July was a hard month. July 7th was when Nate and I broke up after a lot of my own internal struggles. But we don't really need to touch on those right now. Then I spent a couple of weeks after that feeling like I cut off an arm and was trying to figure out how to function without it. Which was terribly hard. A lot more tears, a lot more burying myself in my room. But the breakup itself was pretty clean. We talked and then changed the subject and just talked about random things. Like the fat squirrels in the park. But mostly, July was no fun.
Moving along {and running out of steam}, Sarah came to visit again in August. So we dyed our hair {terrible idea, by the way} and watched movies and went swimming...

At Newfound Lake. It was lovely.
... and went to the drive in...

To see Crazy Stupid Love for the second time, and Harry Potter 7.2

And Reunited the Whole Gang.

Left to Right: Chelsea, Liz, Sarah, Me, Leslie. Love my tan line?
And celebrated Sarah's birthday in that way.
And then I saw Nate for the first time since the break up, which was really okay. 

And then I moved back into school! Hurrah!

So began Sophomore year at Gords.

In september, I started this here blog with my first post e'er. And then started blogging semi-regularly. I got my tat!

 I got rid of my facebook {thank God. Unfortunately, I'm back there now.} And went apple picking with the Sarahs after fort night {which is the night we made a fort, not like... two weeks.}
And I met Liz's very eclectic family, which was amusing and nightmarish at the same time.

October was quad-break month. I brought the Sarahs home with me for a weekend of pumpkin carving and scary movie watching. 

And then I didn't sleep again for like a month. Still can't look in a mirror at night.

And then we barely celebrated Halloween. We did get an unseasonable heat wave, followed by an unseasonable snow. So it went from being 90 degrees to 40, to thirty and a foot of snow.

November had thanksgiving and lots of food and LOTS OF SVU! Hurrah! That's pretty much it, really. What a lame-o month.

Ah, we had finals. We had goodbyes to certain friends. We had christmas! We had crafting. And now, we have New Years Eve. Katie and I are going out tonight! Woohoo!

So there's my year. Sorry about the lengthiness of this post!

Happy New Year!

hiding under the covers

I'm chronically afraid of the dark, so i'm hiding under the covers in my bedroom whilst i write this. I'm watching the Wedding Date, because it's my new bedtime movie, and trying to sleep, but sleep won't come. i've developed such terrible sleeping habits, someone needs to stage an intervention.

happy last day of 2011. this year has just flown right by.

Friday, December 30, 2011

My mom, the next presidential assassin.

So my mom and I went to video choice, and upon checking out, I catch her peering at a news paper. "Ah, Mit Romney {does something positive about something negative}."

And then my mom comments: "I don't like him! We should shoot him!"

Well, mom, you can't say those things aloud. I'll try and hide you when they come looking for you.

Woah Guys

Finished up the project and at 11 last night decided to paint my dresser too. Now they are snazzy matching pieces of furniture. Ohhh yeah.

I'll take a picture and post it when my room is clean and nice looking. I've got a bit of work to do. And as for today, I'm off to get the locks chopped. Have a lovely day. It's the second to last of 2011.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So I'm sitting here and thinking about how lame my break is and whatnot, and then I start lingering on facebook, where I stumble upon a little survey that a friend filled out, and one of the questions was: when was the last time you really laughed?

Well, I answered this one in my head.
Last thursday. When Nate came over.

And for the past few weeks I've had some serious spiritual issues, and who do I talk to about it? Not my mom, because as much as I love her, I can't stand it when she preaches at me. Not anyone from school, because for a christian campus, we're awful tight-lipped about our individual spirituality. No, I talk to Nate. And when bad things happen, who do I want to talk to?

He's really just a four year old at heart.

This guy.

Which complicates my whole mind set. Because as much as I don't want to be with him, there's always this little nagging feeling that maybe I really do want to be with him.

Now what is that about?

It's pretty frustrating.

The Waiting Place

So I guess I'm just waiting for divine intervention or some supernatural epiphany to help me figure this whole thing out. Weighing pros and cons got old about three months ago.

Blue Tape.

So. Much. Of it.

Tomorrow we paint. As for tonight, I think I'll be sitting around and watching Funny People or something on TV.

And that's about it. Welcome to my simply thrilling life.


Forgot to mention that I had three substantial cups of coffee today, so now its 1:25 and I stil don't feel like sleep.

I talked my mom out of hating HP today, and so when I return to walmart I may be spending ten dollars and getting three of those movies {WHAT?!}. success.
Ah, yes. Kwanzaa.

Well guys, I missed the mark there. Forgot all about it. It was boxing day too. But again, I forgot to care. Happy twenty-seventh of december though.

I've been crafting up a storm, much to my right-sided glory, and am now wearing the failure of socks that I threw together in approximately ten minutes. But boy are they cozy.

My socks and my mess

My mom gave me this really awesome trunk that was covered with the particularly hideous vinyl paper deal, so I spent a bit of time cutting, peeling, and prying it off. Tomorrow, I go to parkhurts to retrieve sandpaper {or, probably, a sand sponge}, and upholstery tacs.

And then.

I paint. Hurrah! I bought stencils and stuff today, primer, paint, the works. I love this. So when I'm done It'll be supes pretty and supes useful. It currently holds all my crafting stuff {which is actually multiplying rapidly} in organized little boxes that I've enjoyed putting together and decorating. So that's what I did with my night. And now I'm sitting in my room {that's right! My ROOM!} staring at the mess and wishing I were eating something. I think my mom's upset that I'm not asleep yet though, so I'm a little nervous to go venturing out into the kitchen to find something. Maybe I'll check to see if the Whitman's sampler is still on bookshelf outside my room. There may not be chocolate left in the morning if I get ahold of it.

And I'm watching The Wedding Date which I scored for five bucks in five dolla bin at Walmaht.

I would be watching The Mirror has Two Faces except I think I left it in Maine. 

What else have I done since I've been home....?

Watched Zeke, which I'll do again tomorrow. Eaten a lot. That's about it.

Well now it's 1:07am and I should probably head to bed so that I don't waste my day tomorrow sleeping {as if sleeping is ever a waste}. 

Bon soir!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am on the internet in the living room.


I'm sitting on the couch, watching elf, and writing to the three of my beautiful followers. It's like a christmas miracle. A really beautiful christmas miracle.

Ohhhh Christmas. As much as I love it, it always has the potential to be somewhat emotionally scarring, and I have to admit that I'm frequently rather relieved once it's over. The guilt of all the money spent, the stress of getting up to maine before two, the food to cook, the presents to wrap. It's all a little too much activity for me. I'm happy to say that it is over.

Tomorrow, however, is Kwanzaa. It's a holiday I know little about, so maybe tomorrow I'll look it up and post about the to-do over Kwanzaa.

On a more positive note, this was a particularly lovely christmas, aside from the discussion about my virginity {as my parents gave me a purity ring for christmas} and my intense irritability. I love my family and nothing traumatic happened {its the little things in life}. And of course there was the added joy of WIFI.

Oh, did I already mention that? My bad.

And my mom got me that trunk that I have some intense renovation plans for, which I'm completely pumped for.

So Happy Christmas! Here are some of my joys1

Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh, hey there.

Oh, hey. It's been a while. Its been a week of lounging around and sleeping until noon, watching tv when I don't really care to. Perusing on facebook when I'd really rather not. Ironic? maybe not ironic.

Well christmas is in full swing here in the richardson household. My mom's got us all as her slaves, putting us right to work constructing centerpieces and christmas ornaments, cooking and baking and babysitting so she can deliver her hand constructed yule tide things. 

And I'm stressing because the brilliant idea that I had for my mom for christmas is coming to naught, and I have no other ideas. And christmas is in two days. So I'm having trouble breathing. Wish me luck, I'm going to find another idea.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

2:36 AM

I seem to have frequent sleeping problems.
This time it's because I've had a terrible cold for a week, and the end of it has come, arriving with a big bow on top of a terrible cough that has deprived me of sleep.
So I'm dying. And I can't sleep because I keep coughing.
Fortunately my roommate left behind her GINORMOUS bag of Vitamin C Drops {bliss in a bag} and so I'm downing those and waiting to stop having to cough up a little piece of my lung ever second. Hurrah!

I have an exam at 9. I was going to get up at 8, get ready, go to the test, what not. Now, I'm thinking that I'll get up at like...8:35 and stumble along to my exam. I don't know. I didn't study for it. It's spanish and I feel pretty prepared anyway, but now I'm a little nervous and nauseous and I SERIOUSLY hope that I don't completely tank this.
Oh I feel like such a slacker. And rightfully so, I suppose.
This week. Ohhhhh man.
Well, since I'm up I might as well study, eh?

Blech, I don't want to. But I should. Mmmm, wants vs needs? How complicated.



Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Task List

Things to Accomplish by Thursday:
~Write Journals on two books and like...three films {plus a month worth of classes}
~Edit and/or rewrite a Research paper
~TONS of Laundry
~Clean bathroom, the rest of the crime scene we call a bedroom.
~Return my temp ID
~Oh yeah, eat.
~Stop blogging so I can accomplish these things.

Things to Accomplish Over Break:
~Clean room
~A massive overload of crafting
~Lots of SVU
~Read for Leisure {whaaaa?}
~See errone I know.
~Clean Kitchen Cabinets
~Lots of movies and chinese food with this beautiful girl:

{Her and Me}
~Probably apply for a butt load of scholarships
~Facebook, I guess.
~Send transcripts places.
~Perhaps some substitute teaching
~Work, if I can find it.
~Not. Study. At All.
~Prance around my house singing
~Play in the snow with the dog
~Mourn the end of winter break.

And so, let it commence.

Books I've Read

Oh dear, oh dear. I can't recall every book I've read in my lifetime! Especially those I read when I was still a wee little girl, because who can remember all the copious amounts of children's books that their parents read to them when they were children.
But when I was really little, my favorite books were.... one about an elephant, like... no more elephants or something like that, and something about a little kid who just said no all the time. I loved that one.
But then I started reading the American Girl Doll books when I was a kid, and then the other books written by the American Girl people, which were mysteries. Loved those. My favorite book in later elementary school and early middle school was The Wanderer (I think it was called) and Fever 1793 (which I still LOVE). Then when I got into high school, I read lots of books for school. In ninth grade, I read a ton of boring books that I hated (HIROSHIMA KILL ME PLEASE) but I also read Night, by Elie Weisle (spell check?) and the Hobbit. We read Watership down but I wasn't a huge fan of that one. The summer of 10th grade we read....Siddhartha (about buddhism) Anthem (SO GOOD) and...

Honestly, book changed my life.
Made me hate reading.

Book about nothing. So... awful.

And then in 10th grade, it was the year of wonderful books in Lit class.
We read:
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Farenheit 451
Lord of the Flies
and a couple others that I must not have enjoyed as much.
We read Oedipus Rex trilogy, my favorite being Antigone.

In eleventh grade we suffered a bit more. We had to read The Scarlet Letter, Waldon (Walton?), Ethan Frome, Grapes of Wrath, and a couple others that killed me slowly. And that class was difficult because I very nearly NEVER read these books. I read half of Grapes of Wrath, but it turns out that it's a 500 page book about the great depression and the dust bowl which was a bummer.
Oh! We read the Crucible by Arthur Miller. That was a gooooood one.
Then the summer before 12th grade we read The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, and the Color Purple, all of which I enjoyed. Except I didn't finish Tess because I ran out of time. Then we read:
The Stranger
Heart of Darkness
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Gulliver's Travels

and a few others. Oh!
Macbeth! I LOVED Macbeth. I have a huge thing for Shakespeare.

And then I didn't read for leisure AT ALL because public education killed it for me. Freshman year I read a few books in Great Conversation, then I read most of Persuasion (?), O Pioneers! Elegance of the Hedgehog, The Purple Hibiscus, Interpreter of Maladies... and one other book whose title escapes me at the moment. There might have been a couple others but I can't really remember right now.
And in Nobel Lit right now I've read:
Old Man and the Sea
The Land of the Green Plums
The Pickup
Death and the Kings Horseman
The Birthday Party

and then some books for other classes that I all but threw in a garbage disposal. Bleh.

And I've read the first Harry Potter and a half, and Message in a Bottle, the Notebook, and the Lucky One, all by Nicholas Sparks.
Hopefully I'll do a bit more leisure reading over christmas break.


The Next entry to my positive thoughts log will be written to you from the comfort of my own home! {HURRAH!}

Wish me luck on taking exams on the books which I haven't read!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Reading Day!

Today is wonderful for me! In two short hours I get to travel into Lynn and see all the wonderful children whom I help with homework, all the awesome tutors that I work with, and decorate papermaché  christmas ornaments! I'm so excited!

I love this little girl. Last year, one time, she saw the cross I was wearing around my neck, and said "You believe in God?!"
And I responded in the affirmative.
"Me too! He died on the cross!"
It was so sweet; she's seven now, she was six when this happened. So presh.

And then tonight is Cheesecake!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I did it, and decided not to share. Partly because I know how hilarious it would be for you to mock my spanish like no tomorrow, but I'm not putting myself at your mercy, and partly because no one tells you exactly how ridiculous you look on film. So...lociento.

70 Years Ago Today...

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives:Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And, while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya.Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island.And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.Japan has therefore undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God.I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.

{President Franklin D. Roosevelt - December 8, 1941}

In memory of all those who lost their lives in this tragic event and those following until September 2, 1945, Including the many Japanese civilians who lost their lives due to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

America has also been at fault. It may be important to remember that.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Places I want to go

Well, who doesn't want to go to Europe.

I have this dream of hoppin on a plane and flying to Ireland, doing Ireland and Scotland, and then catching a boat over the the UK, and seeing England and Wales, and then hopping on another boat and seeing France and Germany and Spain and Italy and Poland and Greece... It would take some time, but but how amazing would it be? Honestly.
I've always wanted to go to Australia, too, and Africa.
Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan. I'd love to do some missions work or social justice work over there. Oh man, give me my passport and a plane ticket and I'd be gone.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Devotion Today

Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."

"I encourage you to practice being a positive person. It's just a matter of breaking one bad habit and forming a new one. I was so negative at one time in my life that if I even tried to think two positive thoughts in a row my brain got into a cramp. But now I am very positive and actually don't enjoy being with people who are negative.
"Discipline is required any time you are forming a new habit. You might consider putting some reminders around your house or in your car, like little signs that say "Be positive." Ask a good friend or spouse to remind you if they hear you slipping into a negativism.
"Practice trusting yourself rather than doubting yourself. If you are applying for a promotion at work, don't think to yourself or say, 'I probably won't get it.' Pray and ask God to give you favor with your employer and then say, 'I believe I will get the job!' And if you try and the outcome isn't what you were hoping for, then tell yourself, If the job was right for me, God would give it to me, and since He didn't, He must have something even better in mind for me.' You can train yourself to be positiv ein what appears to be a negative situation"

My devotional is called The Confident Woman Devotional, By Joyce Meyer

Saturday, December 3, 2011


When I broke up with Nate in July, it was partly because I was unhappy, and partly because I felt a very real pull away from him and toward God. I felt like, by continuing my relationship with Nate, that I was defying God's plan in some way that I couldn't understand. That I was being disobedient. Call me crazy, call me a fake, call me what you will, but I know from the depths of my heart that God was calling me away from that relationship.
Well since then, I have been trying to put a significant amount of effort into restoring my relationship with God, and have been working at being the person God has created me to be. However, it has been a struggle. It's been hard figuring out how to go about forming a relationship, how to encourage myself in doing this, and trying to do it on my own. It's been super challenging. Now, I can't say that I don't have some very good friends: I do. I have friends that I love and admire and value greatly. However, I don't have friends that I feel comfortable or able to talk to about faith, especially my struggles with it. I depended on Nate for that, and I do feel that although we're friends, I can't continue to let us both become emotionally involved with one another again if I don't want anything further to come of our relationship.
So I've been feeling discouraged, I've been struggling, and I've been hungry. And I've felt like I've disappointed God because I can't do it right, I can't do it well, and I can't do it by myself.
Today, I had a conversation with a friend. While I went to him for a word of advice, he came to me with more support and encouragement than I could have asked for. The advice I asked for led me into much more of an emotional state than I had expected, which gave way to a conversation about faith and support and the hardships of being a christian. I shared with him how difficult it is to try to grow in Christ on my own. He told me "No, it's not difficult. It's kind of impossible."
I think that is so incredibly encouraging. While I'm still struggling, it definitely helps to know that I'm not letting God down by being unable to do this by myself. It shows me that while I'm not the strongest, I don't have to be, because we aren't designed to pursue Him on our own. That's why Church is so important: it's having a support group. It's having a family that encourages you in your walk so that you do grow. 
I'm still sure that my decision was the right one, but I'm praying that God will bring someone into my life to help me come back to Him.

Just thought I'd share some encouragement, if I can.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Ten pages? No worries. I've got it down. It's on its way to the printer.
Basically, SUCCESS.

So moving on. Throughout the next week I may be doing a series of Vlogs to help me practico mi español, que es muy difícil a habla a veces. So you'll hear me speak spanish and I'll be speaking spanish. To you. Through a vlog. Wonderful!

Feliz primero de Diciembre!

Did Rudolph Go To College?

"....Because he's a... reindeer..."

No Liz. It's because he was Elf Taught.

Bahaha thanks CEC for that supes corny joke.


So Liz has this pony. it's name is pony. She's had this thing forever and plays with it like a two year old. It's really interesting, and really hilarious. Today we were sitting on her bed, watching SVU {which we never stop doing these days, btw} and she breaks out singing about pony and how pony loves heinous  sex crimes and how pony's gonna go get the bad guys etc. So then I go to write my paper and I send her an email from the lounge {an email because I don't have facebook right now and my phone was dead} telling her that I didn't want to write this paper. She in turn sends me a picture of pony, sitting at "his" laptop, writing a paper. The caption was "Pony's got you covered."
I'm pretty sure that she should be committed into an asylum.
Right now she's sitting with pony and saying "Slam pony into the wall" and slamming pony against the wall and singing "pony pony pony pony pony but face pony." Honestly. This stuff is too crazy to make up. 

Psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most Hight will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that fliess by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you make the Most High your dwelling--even the Lord, who is my refuge--
Then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
They will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; yo will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

La La La I Have A Paper to Write

La la la la la ten pages and I have not yet begun. And tomorrow night is Elf night and I am very excited. And tonight I have a long evening of procrastinating ahead of me. How will I ever fit this paper-writing in?
Well, okay, write the paper I guess is the best idea. However, the roommate and I are watching SVU {or were watching SVU before she started watching a video about some beagles} and then there's dinner and then theres...probably more SVU and then theres the gym and then maybe I'll consider doing this paper.
Or like...after dinner and until the gym. That sounds a tad bit bettah. Apparently it does not take so long once you get started. Except for one girl who said that it takes a solid six or seven hours, but I choose to not believe her. Because I choose to believe that I can pull this paper out in like... four. If I put my mind to it. Which I fully intend to do.

Oh dear.

The Goods.

Welp, there it is. There's the beautiful roommate in the beautiful fleece. It's christmastime.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good one, God

If there was ever any debate about whether or not God has an impecable sense of humor, take a magnifying glass to my life and there's your evidence.
Now, I just got out of a relationship. A good one, mind you, so while I'm still harboring feelings for him, they're not negative, and I'm not experiencing any aversion to men or anything like that. So there are two that I find relatively attractive.
Thinking about this, it's weird for me. Never have I been even relatively interested in two guys at the same time. Well I guess "interested in" is too specific a term. In fact, I'm not interested in either, would not expect anything from whatever you might call what this is, but lets call it a crush for now. If I want to feel like a twelve year old.
Any way, yesterday, on my way back from the gym, my roommate and I stopped at the dining hall so we could get milk for our cereal. I'm there in my hideous gym clothes and my frizzy hair and my face with makeup smeared around like paint. And of course, there he is. He who shall go unnamed for sake of anonymity. And what's more, he sees me. Of course he sees me. Because it's funny that he should. So he smiles and waves and I almost melt because I am completely undeserving of his notice, and my wonderful roommate looks at me and basically screams "awwwww that's so presh." Well, thanks Liz. He probably heard you. So good, happens to everyone, right?
Now the second of these two gentlemen has caused me a great deal of anxiety for varied reasons over the past month, and I have been holding something against him for a week now. A grudge of sorts, although I don't really think that I hold grudges. Not legitimate ones. But basically, I've been angry with him for about a week. We won't get into the why of the matter, but there it is.
And today, of course, God decides to play a joke on me. So I'm sitting at dinner, shoving my face with a very messy meal that I constructed myself, I'm a mess of marinara and cheese, and who should come up to me but this young man, who we'll call subject number two. I've mentioned him in a previous post or two. And does he say hello? No, instead he walks up behind me and holds my head in his hand and says "Aww that's so cute! You're so cute!" And kisses me on the top of the head.
First of all: What?
Next: Really?
And my roommate asks him to sit down. Thanks Liz. And now here I am, sitting across from him with marinara sauce practically running down my face while he talks about thanksgiving and what not, and I'm stuttering and stammering, unable to think of the right thing to say {which certainly is not unusual for me} and he's just sitting there, more chipper than usual. Wonderful.
So now, how can you be angry at someone after that? Wish I could be, but I just can't. I guess it's a lesson. When I figure out what kind of lesson, I'll let you know {I probably won't, don't get your hopes up}.

Also, my room smells like garbage.
Enjoy your evening.

Note: I hope you don't find me a blasphemer. I really think God does have a sense of humor, and I'm not bitter about these experiences but find them completely ridiculous, albeit somewhat unfortunate.

Places I Have Been

Oooh, I like this one. I love talking about my travels. Great fun.

Well, I was born in Wyoming and then moved to England, which you may know from my about me {I'm kind of proud of that. How many New Hampshirites can say that?} but I guess that may not really count because I don't really remember either of those places. Actually, I don't remember those places at all. So chronologically, the places I remember:

When I was 5 I flew into Georgia and saw my aunt, uncle, cousins, and Dad, who drove me to Florida to see my Grandparents, stepmom, and little sister. That was the first time I met any of them since I was 2 years old.

When I was 9 I went to visit my dad in the Azores, Portugal.
I was in Terceira, where my Dad was stationed, and I went to Santa Maria for a layover.
When I was 10 I went to New York City for the first time and had all sorts of fun adventures with my mom, stepdad, and older brother. Never will I share those pictures though. It's a tad bit too humiliating.

When I was 11, I guess, I went to North Carolina for the first time, to visit my mom's best friend.

When I was in 7th grade I went to North Carolina again, to visit my dad and my mom's best friend. I was all over that state during that visit. We drove to North Carolina so it was a long 21 hour trip and we drove through a TON of states. 

I think in 7th Grade was the first time we took a ski trip, and we went to Canada. I almost died. NBD.

In 8th Grade I took a wonderful field trip to Washington DC, tons of fun, lots of sights that I saw, my favorites being the Holocaust Museum and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I'm pretty sure we went to Canada again in 8th Grade, which was much more fun this time.

In 9th Grade I went to Texas, to visit my dad once again. Went to the Alamo, the Riverwalk, Sea World {I got this close to a dolphin. very cool.}

In 10th grade we went on a trip to Sunapee or Sunday River {I can't remember which} and watched the Patriots finish off a great season with a terrible game. It hurts to think about it.

In 11th Grade I went to Honduras on a missions trip, to Siguatepeque.

It's sort of hard to see, but I think we flew into San Pedro Sula, and then drove to Siguatepeque, where we stayed.
That was one of the best trips of my life, I think. I really enjoyed it.

Then I went back to North Carolina in 11th grade to visit my Dad again, and went to the ocean.

And then in 12th grade my class went to Old Orchard Beach. Haven't traveled much since I started school, but I'm going to the Dominican Republic in March, and possibly New Jersey in January. We'll see.

Oh yeah, guys, I'M GOING TO THE DR! {whoop whoop!}

Feliz lunes!

Things I'm Grateful For

This is the second post in that series of posts I'm doing. So happy monday all, and since it's thanksgiving time you should all be thinking about the wonderful things you're thankful for.
I was supposed to do this last monday but I was in a pretty terrible mood then and I couldn't bring myself to count my blessings. I know, how terrible, but we're playing catch-up now so I may just do two of these posts tonight.
So, things I'm grateful for.

  1. My education here at Gordon. It's really a blessing and miracle that I'm here in the first place.
  2. My three jobs, all of which are neccessary to my livelihood as I have a spending problem.
  3. My familia, I love them all. 
  4. My mom, so grateful for her. She's talked me off a ledge many many times.
  5. My wonderful friends, all of whom I've gotten to see in the past week. {Well, not all of them, and I did see some that I didn't particularly want to see, but c'est la vie.}
  6. My pastor, who happens to care about me more than I thought, or at least is much more capable of fulfilling his pastorly roles than I thought he was.
  7. BED TIME. I think I thank God for this every night. "Dear God, thank you for this day, for everything you've given me, for this wonderful bed." Errnight.
  8. That I don't really lack anything. Nothing I need, anyway. That's worth being thankful for.
  9. For my God. I don't really thank Him for Him very often and I really should. I should also really thank Him more often for his son and that sacrifice he made. 
  10. For the challenges in my life. You can't grow if you're never challenged, and I think I've grown a lot in the past few years. Gotta love those obstacles.
  11. The support that I get from my family, even when I don't want it and don't ask for it. Sometimes I'm a little self centered I guess {oh gosh, I hope no one's reading this saying "you think?"}
  12. The roommate I've been blessed with. A challenge, yes, but a welcome one. Never could I have asked for a roommate more entertaining, more fun, or better fit to what I need. Definitely don't plan on trading her in. 
The list doesn't end there, but that's all the thought I can put into this list right now. Onto the next.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's that Time of Year Again

And if Elf didn't mark the advent of Christmas, my roommate snoring in her "ugly reindeer fleece" does.
Happy Holidays!

The Final Stretch

It begins tomorrow. Two weeks of classes, one week of finals, and then the semester is over. So I'm back from thanksgiving break.
Looking back at my outburst last monday, I admit it was a bit rash, based mostly off an anxious, vexing afternoon and one snide comment from a friend. It still stings a little, but I guess that's life.
So we begin the final stretch. I've been back for two hours and have started my homework, and am realizing that these next few weeks will be packed. Which I have to say is something I'm looking forward to. This semester has been pretty laid back. Not much work because my schedule was really very relaxed, none of my classes very demanding. Now, I have three books to read, two papers to write, two exams to prepare for, and one set of journal entries to compose within the next few weeks. Finally, I'm feeling like a student.
I actually enjoy doing work, being busy, not having a lot of free time. When I have free time, I waste it. I do very little with myself and am very unproductive, so the next few weeks should give me a feeling of accomplishment. Hopefully it will all go swimmingly.

Monday, November 21, 2011

0 for 2.

take a gun to my gut and pull the trigger, and let the discouragement kill me. The world seems all too keen on this. 
Oh wait, that was too negative. And I complain too much.
Why bother trying to be positive, trying to complain less, trying to be better, act better, say the right thing at the right time, do everything right, when every single time I fail?
That was too negative, too, right?
Because you can't say what you feel, you can only say what people want to hear. Otherwise, they turn it around and use it to hurt you. Great.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


For the little brother, 10 year old Benjamin, a new idea inspired by a monogram!
A capital B, on one side covered with Legos, on the other side decoupaged with Sheet music.
For the little sister, 14 year old Megan, a similar idea. A capital M decoupaged with famous photos (which I will print off of google images) in the image of polaroids, and on the opposite side decoupaged with sheet music. Hurray, two off my list (and one added to the list).
Ezekial, 10 year old nephew, Down's syndrome, in our custody, what to create for him.

Christmas Gift Crafting Time

Oh I have a myriad of ideas for nearly everyone on my list. But the dilemma is, what do I do for my step dad and my brothers? What does a ten year old boy like? What could I make him? Goodness, all my crafting experience is strictly feminine. But here we are, trying to find something to make, build, sew, paint that would be relevant to a ten year old boy. And a 23 year old boy? I mean, what could I possibly make for him? And then a 52 year old boy? Of all things challenging, this may be the greatest.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Harry Potter and Biblical Imagery?

All right, call me a blasphemer {don't really, that would hurt my feelings} but as I've begun to watch these movies and read these books, its become evident to me that they're packed with all sorts of biblical imagery, and even prove applicable to our lives.
Back ground information? When I was in third or fourth grade, my entire elementary school went to see the first harry potter movie. Every Christian has probably heard the speel, we need to avoid witchcraft and we shouldn't expose ourselves to any such thing. It's demonic and it's evil. So for the past many years {since third or fourth grade} I've avoided Harry Potter like the plague. They played it on the bus on our way to DC and I read and listened to my music the entire time. But coming here, my roommate is a little more than obsessed, my friends are all enamored by Harry Potter and consequently Daniel Radcliffe, and to say the least, I was parading around the outside of the circle. So I gave in, thinking "how can I make this decision for myself unless I experience it for myself?" and what I found was that these movies, as previously stated, are not only not pagan worship, they are also filled with biblical imagery.
For instance, Harry has to die in order for Voldemort to be defeated. Sorry, spoiler's alert if you haven't experienced. Then, how about in the fifth movie when Harry says to Voldemort "you're the weak one." I mean, you could call that spiritual warfare and spiritual weapons. Which is, in itself, a very important lesson to take out of life, and this movie depicted it so clearly. Then the value of love, and how love is the only thing that saved Harry, the way that Harry is fulfillment of prophesy, the list goes on an on. I especially appreciate the Fawkes the Pheonix scene, how he's reborn from his own ashes.

Its fascinating really. I wonder if I could get my mom to have an open mind about this, because it would be nice to share this with her.
I'm only sad that I was exposed to it so late in life.

This evening I watched the fifth movie, The Order of the Pheonix, and while many people seem to dislike it, I absolutely loved it. Very good.

I wanted Harry to marry Hermione, Ron to marry Luna, and Neville to marry Ginny. That would've been ideal. Mostly because I think Harry and Hermione belong together. But that's that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tom Richter

He spoke today in chapel, and spoke once last year. Aside from being completely hilarious, he's also really honest, really truthful, and really insightful. If you have half an hour or so, here are a couple of videos that you should take a look at.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm feeling rather cerulian ce soir

And mostly cerulian because it's a very nice shade of blue. November is a rather sad month. It's that time when the foliage is gone and all that is left are the skeletons of trees. How sad. For me, however, I can't quite discern the reason for my sadness this evening. Loneliness is probably the perp. Ne'er the less, I'm lying in bed anticipating tomorrows omelets and listening to dear john {tswift}. I hope you all have a wonderful rest. Bon nuit!

People Who Inspire Me:

  1. My mom {a lot}
  2. Nate, my ex boyfriend and good friend
  3. Katie, a good {maybe best} friend from home, who despite many strenuous circumstances, still has a sunny outlook on her present and future life.
  4. Elise, another good friend from home who compromised friendships in the name of love, and ended up being right about it. She got her GED and is now working for the military. 20 years old, and a full-fledged adult. Very proud of her.
  5. Chris. He's been through more than a person should be through and he's still hanging on, although sometimes just by the skin of his teeth.
  6. Chuck, Chris' roommate. He's very optimistic and doesn't let little things get him down.
  7. Sybil Coleman, a social work professor here. She's been through a lot too, but she clings to hope and faith in the Lord, and with His grace performs her job better than anyone I've known.
  8. Sarah, my old RA. She just has this astounding faith that I really admire
  9. Kerstin, her roommate, same reason. Both are really great people who, despite being utterly gorgeous, are very down-to-earth and humble.
  10. Laura; she's struggled with a lot of the same things I have, but she doesn't let it control her life. She really gives me hope. 
  11. Dilon; he only has one hand but is one of the best baseball players the school has seen.
  12. Thia Howard: she's pretty much a walking miracle. After struggling with stage 4 melanoma, she's alive nine or ten years later to talk about it, is in full remission, and is doing remarkably well.
  13. Pastor Steve and his wife, who are both struggling with Lyme's disease, but are handling it with grace. 

Sorry to go all Tumblr on you, but...

I stumbled upon this lists of lists to make, and I think I might do one every day or ever week. Actually, every day sounds good. Mondays. {I'm counting today as monday parce-que I have not been to sleep yet.}

Here's the list:

List as many as you can:
  1. People who have influenced or inspired you
  2. Things you are grateful for
  3. Places you have been
  4. Places you want to go
  5. Books you’ve read
  6. Your favorite things – what brings you joy?
  7. Good things that happened this week
  8. The best things that happened in the last year
  9. The best days of your life.
  10. The songs for the soundtrack of your life
  11. Acts of kindness you’ve committed
  12. Things you want your children to know about you
  13. Reasons why you love your significant other
  14. The high points for your autobiography
  15. People who love you
  16. The cutest things your kids ever said
  17. Everything you would do if money were no object
  18. Favorite gifts you’ve ever received
  19. Favorite gifts you’ve ever given
  20. Occupations that you have ever wanted to have (including when you were a child)
  21. The best advice you’ve gotten.
  22. The worst advice you’ve gotten.
  23. Things you’re procrastinating
  24. Ways you calm yourself down when you’re angry.
  25. The best ideas you’ve ever had
  26. The best projects or organizations you’ve ever been involved with
  27. The ways you have grown since your early 20’s
  28. The most beautiful things you’ve ever seen
  29. The greatest lessons you have learned
  30. Life’s lessons that you learned the hard way
  31. Things that have made you laugh until you cried
  32. Qualities you most admire in others
  33. Qualities others most admire in you
  34. The elements of an ideal year
  35. All the compliments you’ve ever gotten
  36. Foods that you have eaten that are so good that others could hear you enjoying them
  37. The times you have asserted yourself
  38. Things that inspire and energize you
  39. The places where you feel completely comfortable to be yourself
  40. The most important turning points in your life
  41. Times when you looked and felt your absolute best
  42. The things you’re good at
  43. What you would do with the power of invisibility
  44. Things you want to teach your children
  45. Things you still want to do in life
  46. Bits of trivia that most people don’t know about you
  47. The things you love about your body
  48. Accomplishments you are most proud of
  49. The things you love about your home
  50. Who (living or dead) you would invite to your dream dinner party
I'll post my first response in another post. Enjoy!